Here's to the end of another successful week. We've made it through, once again. Elise is ten weeks old, her rate of growth continues to astound me.
We went to the pediatrician for Elise's 2 month checkup and vaccinations on Tuesday. I was a little nervous because I was taking her to the doctor by myself for the first time. I didn't know what to expect, but I braced myself for something awful. Elise and I waited for her name to be called for about an hour before finally taken back into an exam room. The room was about the size of a coat closet and just as stuffy. The nurse showed us into the room and we took Elise down the hall to wiegh her. She weighed in at 11 lbs., 8oz. This was great news. Elise had finally caught up on the growth curve and was now in the 75th percentile for her height and weight, instead of the 25th percentile that she was in at her 2 week checkup.
After being weighed and measured, the nurse showed us back to our room where she explained to me that Elise would be receiving three vaccinations that day. I should have known by the massive amounts of literature that she shoved at me that it was going to be quite a wait before the doctor came in to examine her. After reading all of the pamphlets, changing Elise's diaper, feeding Elise an entire bottle of formula, and putting her to sleep (I estimate a span of about an hour and a half) the doctor finally came into the room. She immediately went into a spiel about how much fun she had just had on her summer vacation and how she was absolutely buried in work. The woman went on and on, I was afraid that I would have to wait through a confession of her whole life story before my daughter was examined. I broke eye contact with her and paid full attention to my daughter in an effort to pursuade the doctor to get down to business. I guess she must have taken the hint because she then began her ritual of poking and prodding. She continued to talk as she shoved a small loop into Elise's ear to clear out some wax for better visualization of the ear drum. This caused Elise to bleed, and consequently, to cry. My little girl cried and cried in pain. I was horrified as this woman continued to talk, raising her voice so that I could hear her over my baby's wailing. This was the first time that I was hearing my little girl cry out in pain, I just wanted to hold her and get out of there! After much heartache, we made it through the exam and Elise was officially deemed healthy. The doctor left and a nurse came into the room bearing the dreaded syringes of terrible pain. I quickly got Elise dressed because I knew I would want to get her out of there just as soon as I could following her vaccinations. I was so thankful for the nurse who promised to give her the shots as fast as possible to minimize the time that she would be in pain. She gave them quickly and Elise began to cry harder than ever before. I picked her up and held her in the room for a while, trying my best to comfort her. I then gathered my things and left the room. To my surprise, as I began walking down the hall towards the exit, Elise quieted down. By the time I got in the elevator to leave, she was fast asleep. I put her in her carseat and took her home where she continued to sleep for another 2 hours.
The next few days were rough for Kenny and me. Elise was so sad and miserable. She was feeling icky and lethargic from the vaccinations. Our hearts sank as she moaned in our arms when we tried to comfort her. Kenny would take her on extra long walks every day which seemed to soothe her. By friday morning Elise was feeling 100% better and we were all more than relieved. I am so glad that we got through that ordeal, but I am certainly not looking forward to her next round of shots in another two months.