It seems the holidays are finally over. Oh my, what a stressful time they can be. Between trying to control an over-active one year old, trying to find just the perfect gift for everyone and doing your best to get everything in order and on time, holidays will wipe you out! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the holidays, but they sure do make me tired. I guess I just really want to make it special for Elise so, of course, I end up over working myself over it.
This year Kenny and I decided not to give eachother presents, and boy was that a stress relief. Instead, we opted to buy presents for a needy child together. That worked out really well.
Elise had a blast, of course. She was so excited to open all the gifts she got. This year she really got into tearing them open, which was so great. That girl is constantly making me laugh and smile, the holidays only make it extra special.
We started off this year on a good foot, hopefully. We recently found out that we are expecting a second little one, so we are VERY excited. I also haven't been nearly as sick or run down with this pregnancy as much as I was with Elise. It's been so great, sometimes I even forget that I'm pregnant! Haha! Now that's good.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that this new year brings lots of joy, happiness, and peace.
On to the pictures!
Being a princess, she made me put this dress on her, notice her Dora jammies poking out underneath.

Elise in her Christmas dress, one of the few pictures she stayed still long enough for.

This picture almost made it to the Christmas card, if Elise didn't look like a hostage.
Elise and Mia, starting work on the pile o' presents
Matching Christmas jammies!
I love Christmas! HAHAHA!!!!
Taking a much needed break, and trying out her new princess lounger.
Me and Elise with our Christmas tree, notice the ornaments have migrated to the top, out of reach for little hands.