This is Kenny finally writing a post on our blog. The summer of 2009 is certainly full of adventure for our family. March of this year we found out that I was losing my job as part of the general economic freak show in which our entire nation is embroiled, and especially as part of specific misfortunes happening at my foundation. Not to worry, we're all about turning negatives into positives and so we have done this time. After some months of hectic traveling and interviewing, I have taken a new position at the University of Toledo Depts. of Pathology and Neuroscience, effective this October. So we sold our house (lucky us, in only 2 weeks, at full asking price!) and rented what we call our "summer home", a lovely house in nearby Nichol's Hills. Here Norma can finish her pregnancy in peace and relative tranquility.
Speaking of pregnancy - we are all thrilled at our imminent new addition. We are going to name him Gabriel Owen Hensley. Elise clearly understands what is going to happen, in general terms. She totters around the house pointing to things we bought for the new baby and saying "diapers for baby brodder?" "bed for baby brodder"? Elise is a gem. She was a bit nervous about moving, initially, but quickly adapted. Everything new for her is an opportunity for discovery and play.
Attached are some recent pictures of our family, the first of Elise helping pack up the house, playing at our "summer home" and Elise's recent excursion on her 2nd birthday to Martin Nature Park. She loves the water so much!