Well, we are now well past spring and right in the middle of summer. As I expected, this summer has been a very welcome bright spot in our big transition to Ohio. The winter was a bit rough what with Gabriel's eczema issues and the fact that everyone in the world (including me) seems to go into hibernation mode, shutting their families up inside to protect them from the cold. So, needless to say, I was very much looking forward to the weather warming up and getting the kids into different social activities. Elise has enjoyed interacting and playing with other children her age. She has a friend named Defne who she loves. She lives in our neighborhood so they get to see eachother pretty often. I also got her involved with some classes at our local Y. So far she has taken a swimming course and a soccer one as well. Lately she has been begging me to sign her up for swimming again so I think we will give it another go before summer ends. For now she is loving spending time with mommy and daddy outside, especially when it involves the slip n slide.
Now that Gabriel is getting bigger the kids are able to play together more and more. Gabriel is so close to walking, he really wants to be able to run around with his big sister. Of course, there is always jealousy issues, but they both love eachother very much and let eachother know it often, it's really cute. Whenever Gabe is in trouble, Elise is the first one he calls out for. Elise can often be found hugging her "little buddy".
Gabriel turned 1 just yesterday. We let him dig into some cupcakes, he really loved it. I can't believe that a year has passed already since he was born. Time really does fly.
Cutie pie at the zoo
Hiking on Elise's birthday weekend.
Swimming class
Creating a masterpiece together
Elise's third birthday cake