Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baby #2

I kinda feel bad about the title for this blog entry. Poor baby still has no name. I thought it would be appropriate to announce on here that we found out on Friday the gender of our incoming addition. We are very excited to announce that we will be having a baby BOY! He is due to be born on August 6th. The ultrasound was very cool. He was lounging in there with one hand behind his head and he was sucking his thumb on the other hand. Just like a boy! We are elated to add a little boy to our growing family.

I also wanted to put a new picture of Elise on here. Here she is being a cranky ballerina. My sister used her awesome photoshopping skills and colored it in, very neat. It is hard to believe how big she is getting. She will be turning 2 on May 31st!