Usually I'm not this bad about updating this blog, but it takes alot of time and energy keeping up with that little girl! I'll try to be better.
Well, I guess alot has happened since the last time I wrote on here. For one, Elise turned six months old! She is such a big girl, I can't believe it's already been half a year! Time really does fly. She has officially started crawling, which is very exciting for everyone and also exhausting for me. If I don't watch her constantly, I swear she will just leave. That girl is all over the place! She had been rolling around the house like crazy and making strange attempts at crawling for the last couple of months, but now she's finally getting the hang of that crawling business.
I also decided to try teaching her sign language so that she would be able to communicate more effectively. I was so excited when she actually used her first sign last week when she signed for milk. It was so amazingly cool and kind of wierd too! She's really telling me what she wants, and she's still so little. It's amazing. We are currently working on teaching her to sign for a diaper change, to ask for more, and to ask for food.
A few weeks ago, my sister Veronica and my brother-in-law Eloy came to visit from California. We had a good time hanging out. They hadn't seen Elise since she was two weeks old, we were all very happy to see eachother again. We baptized Elise while they were here and they became Elise's godparents. It was a very special time. Elise shouted out during the entire ceremony. Not in sadness or frustration, but just to shout out. Deacon Jerry, who officiated the ceremony, said she was communicating with the holy spirit. Maybe that explains the strange orbs of light in the pictures above? I don't know, but still kinda strange.
All in all, we are happy and doing well, and we hope that anyone still reading this blog finds themselves the same way.
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