I guess alot has happened since the last time I updated this. Elise had her first Christmas and New Years, which was very exciting. She had so much fun opening her presents, she's really into ripping paper. Unfortunately, she was more excited about the wrapping than the actual gifts. Elise is now almost eight months old and weighs nearly 18 pounds, she is such a big girl! She is right in the fiftieth percentile on her growth curve, which is great.
Elise mostly likes to spend her day crawling around the house chasing cats (see picture below), eating baby food, and talking up a storm.
She still calls for her "dada" incessantly, but I still haven't gotten her to say 'mama' even once. I think she gets tired of me because as soon as daddy gets home it's "dadadadadadaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" and she doesn't want her mama anymore! Oh well, I love her like crazy. Here are some of the latest pictures of her;

Elise trying to get that camera.

Eatin an apple.
Playing with Daddy and Emma
My big girl standing up

Our Christmas card, 2007
Checkin emails

Me and the little one
Sorry so many pictures! I'm camera crazy!
1) your cat looks evil, maybe a little resentful that this cat-sized person is hand-fed while cat has to eat from a bowl and poop in a box.
2) baby cannot be expected to respond to work emails until some barista refills her mug. non-fat breastmilk vanilla latte, please.
3) baby is so cute!
Great pictures, she looks really loved!
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